Errors and Omissions

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What is Errors and Omissions Insurance?

If you have a professional services business, having errors and omissions insurance coverage can be an integral part of protecting your business. Accusations of negligence or the failure to perform your professional services are things that any professional services business can be sued for, even if it hasn’t made a mistake. Some examples of what could be covered are listed below:

Dissatisfied Client:

A contractor is hired to review a client’s website and network security in order to implement new procedures where they find weaknesses. A month after the project is completed the client’s website gets hacked and they lose revenue from the site being down. The client accuses the contractor of faulty work. An errors & omissions insurance policy could protect the contractor even if they haven’t made a mistake.


A consultant is contracted by a client to come in and organize a project that has run past its due date and is over budget. The consultant commits to bringing the project to completion. As the consultant digs into the project, they realize that the former project manager did not present the client with an accurate view of deliverables and they are now facing a scope of work that is twice as long as original projection. When presenting the finding to the client, the contractor is accused of not doing proper due diligence up front before signing the contract. An errors & omissions insurance policy could protect you against claims of negligence even if you haven’t made a mistake.